Defects in a job interview: which ones can we admit?

13 September 2020 1 Comment

“Name me 3 of your qualities and 3 faults”, some recruiters love this line. The candidates hate her. In this article, we help you find the right flaws and present them without harming you.

Defects in a job interview: which ones can we admit? The whole point.

You may already be aware of this, but the subject of qualities and flaws is a classic of job interview questions.

The problem is that we know it but we do not prepare it, in any case, not enough …

Flaw n1: I am ambitious

This is undoubtedly a fault that you had planned to keep silent at all costs, as ambition in France is often badly perceived. Mistake, for a recruiter, having ambition is ultimately rather positive. This defect is audible because, on the one hand, it demonstrates the candidate’s ability to have self-confidence.

And this implies that he will not be satisfied with being average but will be able to perform in the long term, remarks Olivier Croce, manager of the application to learn English Speaken by Yes’ n You and former hunter of heads. On the condition of course of not wanting to kill father and mother to satisfy this ambition.

Flaw n2: I am shy

Speaking about your shyness, the recruiter can understand that you may need more time to engage.

If he is also very shy, he will be all the more understanding. Even for a sales job, this defect can ultimately prove to be an asset. A shy salesperson will tend to put more emphasis on the products and services for sale than his little person. His reserve will encourage the customer to better explain his needs. The company therefore has everything to gain, illustrates Olivier Croce.

Flaw n3: I have a strong character

In short, you do not get easily taken apart. This notion suggests that you will be able to take the leadership of a project and / or a team.

That during a commercial negotiation, for example, you will impose yourself and will not easily let go, observes Corinne Cabanes, director of the recruitment firm Corinne Cabanes & Associés. In an interview, associate this defect with the notion of courage and risk-taking. Two very appreciated virtues!

Flaw n4: I am emotional

Obviously, there is no question of you starting to cry when you say these words. It shows somewhere a candidate who reacts and who is not afraid of the management of his emotions.

They are often very creative, full of ideas and can boost a work environment and a team, comments the leader of Speaken.

Flaw n5: I am a control freak

In short, you like to control everything. At first glance, an employer may think that you will be unable to work as a team.

Reassure him by insisting that you always ensure a job well done, that you are in control of your emotions, and that this does not prevent you from delegating. On the contrary.

Flaw n6: I am cash

Or more elegantly, “I always say what I think”. This type of defect sets off an alarm in the recruiter’s head, who will then seek to know if it is a crippling defect that is a potential source of conflict or, in the end, an asset. To the candidate to explain, that in all frankness, he always sets clear and precise frameworks which allow him to work unambiguously and in all confidence with his manager, his teams and his colleagues.

And that in this way, it avoids potential conflicts, argues Corinne Cabanes. A downside, however, this defect is probably better received by an SME recruiter than in a large group, where everything is more subdued and political.

Flaw n7: I am talkative

Sure that if your interlocutor is not, culture shock there will be. In any case, being talkative shows the candidate’s strong sociability and undoubtedly, a good capacity for integration.

Prone to easily solicit the opinions of others, he will be able to find quick solutions to problems, argues Olivier Croce. Before concluding on this subject in an interview, insist on your good listening skills. You speak a lot, but you also have keen hearing.

Flaw n8: I’m impatient

Too bad, the hiring processes are sometimes very long, risk of opposing you the recruiter. Argue then that this impatience pushes you not to live on your achievements and to go fast. Even if it means cheating you sometimes.

In business, what counts now is the execution of a task rather than the idea of ​​execution. A candidate who recognizes his impatience will undoubtedly be an employee who will provide quick solutions, argues Olivier Croce.

Flaw n9: I am greedy

Expressing your flaws with a little humor, at least in a field offset from the world of recruitment, in this case the cuisine which brings together a good number of French people, may be wise.

Evoking one’s gluttony is a clever way of expressing one’s appetite for new and different projects, illustrates the manager of the firm Corinne Cabanes & Associés. And if the recruiter opposes you that you risk dispersing yourself, answer for example (smiling), I am greedy, but I always finish each of my cakes.

It goes without saying that all these faults also apply to women!

Source : cadremploi

1 Comment

  1. admin
    20 April 2019

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